Anna-Sofia Nylund
Artist and Filmmaker
The Transformative Figure, picture: Jonatan Sundström
picture: Ahmed Alalousi
The Transformative Figure - Den transformativa figuren
The Transformative Figure is a 3-channeled video-installation in which a Transformative Figure, and its creator meet. A discussion about who feeds who occurs: is the work of art a creation made by the artist or does it have its own agency?
The Transformative Figure was exhibited at Sinne gallery in Helsinki in 2024.
Script, Directing, Editing, Costumes, Producing - Anna-Sofia Nylund
Cinematography, Grading, Visual Effects - Jonatan Sundström
Sound Recording, Sound Design, Composing - Iida Hägglund
The Transformative Figure - Sara Grotenfelt
The Artist - Anna-Sofia Nylund
The Curator - Markus Åström
Arguing couple - Liisa Blad and Matteus Blad
Subtitling consultation and language check - Astrid Stenius
Additional Music Epidemic Sound
Thank you
Mari-Helen Hyvärinen / LUSTs demofestival
Hannele Mikaela Taivassalo / Skriftskolan
Markus Åström / Sinne
Tommi Seitajoki
Malin Nyqvist
Eva-Maria Koskinen
Camilla Roos
Marie, Mojo, Finne
Salla Valle / Ostaritutkimuksia
Anna Kari / Konstmuseet Ateneum
Ali Akgul
Musse Akgul
Ramiz Laydinen
Chang Khao
and all the others who participated in the film
Media attention:
"Muuttuva hahmo jalostuu toimivaksi yhdistelmäksiälyllisyyttä ja sympattiisuutta"
"Teoksen visualisuus on hallittua ja vetoavaa"
(The evolving character is refined into a workable combination of intelligence and sympathy.
The visuality of the work is controlled and appealing)
Taidelehti 5-6 2024 - Petteri Enroth
"Taiteilijalta näyttävä, läpikuultava ja rytmikkäällä pulssilla kommunikoiva hahmo osallistuu Nylundin työskentelyyn ja jokapäiväiseen elämään. Samalla se tuo arkisiin tilanteisiin kummaa paikantajua."
(A figure that looks like the artist, who is transparent and communicating with a rhythmic pulse, participates in Nylund's work and daily life. At the same time, it brings a strange sense of site to everyday situations.)
Helsingin Sanomat - Sini Mononen, Neljä näyttelyä, jotka kannattaa nähdä tänä viikonloppuna
25.10 2024
"Anna-Sofia Nylunds nya videoverk Den transformativa figuren sprakar till och vill för mycket. Ursprungligen var det meningen att i stället skriva ett ”men” i föregående mening men det ska visa sig att Nylunds alla lager, metanivåer och berättarspår faktiskt fungerar tematiskt."
"Det är därför Nylunds verk till slut aldrig blir för mycket. Det överväldigande, det för myckna, är själva poängen."
(Anna-Sofia Nylund's new video work, The Transformative Figure, is bubbly and wants too much. The original intention was to add a 'but' to the previous sentence, but it turns out that all of Nylund's layers, meta-levels and narrative tracks actually work thematically.
That's why, in the end, Nylund's work is never too much. The overwhelming, the too much, is the point.)
Huvudstadsbladet 20.9 2024